Initial Post

Bhathiya Perera

New website structure


I have been working hard on updating the website infrastructure. New local PDF building feature is going to come in handy for downloadable documentation builds. Additionally, (b)log section will be used for any updates.

New sr string feature

This is going to help avoid copying and freeing strings by simply referencing these strings. However, note that sr can hold references to both statically allocated string literals and to dynamically allocated strings. Statically allocated strings will also store fixed length of the underlying string.

If you delete an sr it will delete underlying string (except when it is a statically allocated string (literal)).

More features to come!

I have been writing new features I want to add as YAMA articles. Now they are in the same website and can be easily accessed.


Ha! CSS is hard. Very hard. Perhaps I should have used some prebuilt theme.


Now this is moved into the website package itself.