Yaksha Library

Yaksha library uses multiple 3rd party libraries, set of python scripts and few other nuts and bolts to create library sources.

Core parts of runtime library functionality starts with yk__ or YK__.

Yaksha programming language preserves anything that starts with yk__ or YK__ while prefixing any other name with yy__.

This avoids collisions with C standard library functions or keywords.

Standard Library Components

Core Library


Small core library with useful features.

import libs

UI Library


Use raygui with raylib.

import raylib.gui

Raylib - Graphics/Game/Audio Library


Use raylib to build games and such

import raylib

CL Library


Access to OpenCL features and parallel programming.

import cl

def my_program(n: int) -> int:
    return 1 + 1
def main() -> int:
    dvc: cl.device = cl.get_device(0)
    cl.run(dvc, my_program)
Placeholder code, API is not designed yet.