This section needs rewriting
This describes Yaksha language grammar.
Lot learned from Crafting Interpreters
book and Python grammar page.
This section describes statements and program structure. Program is made from one or more program statements. Standard statements are what goes inside functions.
program: import_statement* program_declaration*
| const_statement
| struct_statement
| def_statement
| compound_statement
| simple_statement
| if_statement
| while_statement
| let_statement
| return_statement
| defer_statement
| "pass"
| "break"
| "continue"
| expr_statement
| del_statement
| c_code_statement
# Because defer can use del statement or any another expression.
# Del statement has two components with and without statement end.
base_del_statement: "del" expr
del_statement: base_del_statement st_end
# Defer can use a del statement or an expr
defer_statement: "defer" (base_del_statement | expr) st_end
# Functions
def_statement: annotation* "def" name "(" parameters? ")" block st_end
# Let statement creates variables
let_statement: name ":" data_type ("=" expr)? st_end
# If statement
if_statement: "if" block ("else" block)?
# While statement
while_statement: "while" block
# Custom data structures
# Struct value data types must be present
struct_value: name ":" data_type st_end
struct_block: ":" newline ba_indent struct_value+ ba_dedent
stuct_statement: annotation* "class" name struct_block
# Expression statements, calling functions etc.
expr_statement: expr st_end
# Return statement
return_statement: "return" expr st_end
# Constants compiles to #defines.
const_statement: "const" name "=" (number | string)
# Import statements include other source files and perform name mangling
# You need to always rename level 2+ imports
import_statement: "import" name ( ("." name)+ "as" name )? st_end
# Dumps unmodified C code. It would be better to encapsulate these.
# When used with @native functions compiles to a c macro
c_code_statement: "ccode" (string | triple_quote_string) st_end
# Multiline or single simple statement blocks
block: ":" (newline ba_indent standard_statement+ ba_dedent | simple_statement)

statement is special, it can take either adel
statement or any expression.- This allows you to defer a
. - Example -
defer del my_element
Data Type
data_type: data_type_part | name ("." name)? ("[" data_type_args "]")?
data_type_args: data_type ("," data_type)*
data_type_part: name | primitive_data_type
primitive_data_type: "int" | "i8" | "i16" | "i32" | "i64" |
"u8" | "u16" | "u32" | "u64" | "str" | "float" | "bool" | "None" |
"f32" | "f64"
Data type describes, primitives, custom data types and non primitives.
Expressions are itsy bitsy pieces that make up parts of statements.
expr: assignment
assignment: (fncall ".")? name "=" assignment
| logical_not;
logical_not: "not" logic_or
logic_or: logic_and ("or" logic_and)*
logic_and: equality ("and" equality)*
equality: comparision (("!=" | "==") comparision)*
comparision: term ((">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=") term)*
term: factor (("-" | "+") factor)*
factor: unary (("/" | "*") unary)*
unary: "-" unary | fncall
fncall: primary ( "(" arguments? ")" | "[" expr "]" | "." name )*
primary: "True" | "False" | "None" | number | string | triple_quote_string | name |
"(" expr ")"

- Based on lox grammar and Python operator precedence.
Useful utils
# Annotations are used to define types of functions or structures
# Currently only @device, @native and @generic annotations are available.
# Annotations may have a single string parameter.
annotation: "@" name ( "(" (string | triple_quote_string ) ")" ) newline
parameters: parameter ("," parameter)*
parameter: name ":" datatype
st_end: newline | eof
newline: "\n" | "\r\n"
eof: "end of file"
ba_indent: "increase in indentation"
ba_dedent: "decrease is indentation"

gets calculated before parsing inblock_analyzer