Strings revisited

Bhathiya Perera

YAMA 0009 - Strings revisited

  • Author(s): Bhathiya Perera
  • Status : ✅

Strings in programming languages are tough to design. You can make things simple by using it like a value type (Copying and deleting it). However, value like strings come at a cost as it does large number of alloc/dealloc resulting in fragmented memory. In WASM4 or embedded (potential future scenario) cases, this kind of alloc/dealloc is not acceptable.

This is an all or nothing proposal. Need to support all scenarios explained below. After this is completed, libs/runtime needs to rewritten to use new sr data type instead of str data type.

There is also an invisible string data type literal that is only available at compile time (a: literal = "hi" is invalid). This type will be auto-magically converted to sr.

This is considered to avoid wasting time doing - runtime concatenation and runtime comparison of literals.

Breaking changes - a = "hello" results in a’s data type to be sr instead of str and sr is now a builtin data type.

Few areas to explore

String reference

  • String reference does not own the underlying heap allocated memory of a string.
  • No need to delete or duplicate.
  • But it is dangerous to store it in a structure as it might be invalid later on.

Static storage strings

  • Immutable static strings that lives in the static storage, lasts for the whole life time of the program.
  • No need to de-allocate.
  • Can store as a reference anywhere you like.
  • Not copied when passing.

String buffers

  • Mutable string that owns memory.
  • Not copied when passing to a function.
  • Can use same underlying yk__sds as data structure.

Semi managed value like strings

  • What str represents in Yaksha.
  • What is semi-managed? you need to manually de-allocate when a copy is added to a container.

String literals

  • This is a "Hello World" like string literal in Yaksha.
  • This is currently automatically converted to str.
  • We can consider string literals to be static storage strings.
  • Length is known at compile time.

Library/runtime use

  • Runtime functionality will not need to de-allocate strings. Once we switch to use of sr data type.


Underlying data structure

struct yk__bstr { // Yaksha Base String
    union {
        yk__sds h;              // reference to a heap allocated string
        const char * s;         // reference to a statically allocated string
        char* c;                // reference to c.CStr that is heap allocated
    size_t l;
    enum yk__bstr_type { yk__bstr_str, yk__bstr_static, yk__bstr_cstr } t;


First we assume we have something like below defined, that takes the new data type sr as an argument.

literal is a hidden data type — this cannot be used by end users directly. (Internally represented as :s:)


  • ✅ - Completed
  • N - No allocation should happen here (except in Windows due to need to convert to utf16).
  • A - Alloc/Dealloc happens
  • C - Compile time
  • ! - Type-checking / compile error
def do_something(s: sr) -> int: # N
    print("Printing sr: ")      # N
    println(s)                  # N 
    return 0

def takes_str(s: str) -> int:   # A (arg is copied here and deleted in the function)
    print("Printing str: ")     # N
    println(s)                  # N
    return 0

Create sr data type ✅

  • Have it compile to struct yk__bstr

Passing a literal to sr

def main() -> int:
    do_something("Oi")           # N     
    return 0

Passing an str to sr and creating a str with literal

def main() -> int:
    s: str = "Oi"                # A
    s2: str = "Ha"               # A
    do_something(s)              # N
    do_something(s2)             # N
    return 0

Passing a literal/sr to str

def main() -> int:
    do_something("Oi")           # A
    a: sr = "ha"                 # A
    takes_str(a)                 # N
    takes_str("Oi oi")           # N
    return 0

Variable using sr as data type ✅

def main() -> int:
    oi = "Oi"                    # A
    do_something(oi)             # A
    takes_str("Oi oi")           # N
    return 0

Concatenation of strs —> str

def main() -> int:
    s: str = "Oi"                # N
    s2: str = " Hello"           # N
    takes_str(s + s2)            # NN
    return 0

Concatenation of literals —> literal

def main() -> int:
    do_something("Oi" + " Hello there" + " Another") # NC
    takes_str("Oi" + " Hello there" + " Another")    # AC
    return 0

Concatenation of 2 or more srs —> str

def main() -> int:               # A  
    a: sr = "Hi"                 # A
    b: sr = " there"             # A
    do_something(a + b + a)      # NA
    takes_str(a + b)             # NN
    return 0

Concatenation of 2 or more of mixed str, sr and literals —> str

def main() -> int:
    a: str = "Hello"             # N
    b: sr = " World"             # A  
    c = a + b + " Hehe"          # NNN
    do_something(c)              # A  
    takes_str(c)                 # N
    d = "Ha " + b + " " + a      # NNNN
    takes_str(d)                 # N
    do_something(d)              # A
    return 0

Comparison of literals ("a" == "a") —> bool

def main() -> int:
    println("a" == "a")          # AC  
    println("a" == "b")          # AC
    println("a" != "a")          # AC
    println("a" != "b")          # AC
    return 0

Comparison of mixed str, sr and literals —> bool

def main() -> int:
    a: str = "a"                 # N 
    b: sr = "oi"                 # A
    println(b == b)              # A
    println(a == a)              # A
    println((a == b) or (a != b))# AA
    println("a" == a)            # AA
    println(b != a)              # AA
    println(b != "x")            # AA
    return 0

Wrap/Unwrap c.CStr, Const[Ptr[Const[c.Char]]] as sr

  • Create a simple wrapper function in libs.c to wrap c.CStr —> getref_cstr
  • Create a simple wrapper function in libs.c to unwrap c.CStr —> unref_cstr
  • Create a simple wrapper function in libs.c to wrap Const[Ptr[Const[c.Char]]] —> getref_ccstr
  • Create a simple wrapper function in libs.c to unwrap Const[Ptr[Const[c.Char]]] —> unref_ccstr

print/println will support -> literal, sr and str. ✅

  • See do_something and take_str

Wrap Array[u8] as sr

  • Create a simple wrapper function in libs.strings to wrap getref_u8a

Wrap Ptr[u8] as sr

  • Create a simple wrapper function in libs.strings to wrap getref_u8p

Compare with None ✅

def main() -> int:
    a: sr = "a"                  # N
    b: str = "b"                 # A 
    println(a == None)           # N  
    println(b == None)           # N
    println("a" != None)         # NC
    println("a" == None)         # NC
    println(None != a)           # N
    println(None != b)           # N
    println(None == "a")         # NC
    println(None != "a")         # NC 
    return 0

Additional tasks

  • Update documentation explaining sr data type.